The school was constructed in 1558 and is considered as a genuine piece of the ten most prepared universities in Germany. It is backup with 6 Nobel Prize champs, most starting late in 2000 when Jena graduate Herbert Kroemer won the Nobel Prize for material science. It was renamed after the creator Friedrich Schiller who was educating as instructor of history when Jena pulled in irrefutably the most convincing identities at the turn of the nineteenth century. With Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, G. W. F. Hegel, F. W. J. Schelling and Friedrich von Schlegel on its indicating staff, the school has been at within the ascent of German vision and early Romanticism. 

Beginning 2009, the school has around 21,000 understudies enrolled and 340 instructors. Its current clergyman, Klaus Dicke, is the 317th priest ever.